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  • 姓 名:蓝舒 (Michael) 介 绍: A boy is fat, but he is strong. He is good at English and Math. He likes playing with his friends. He likes playing computer games...
  • 中文名:李沐柔 英文名:Kara 介 绍: Let's guess a riddle. She is a girl, not very beautiful. A long oval face. She has long hair, likes gardening and drawing. Her Chinese is not good, but is...
  • 中文名:吴嘉菌 英文名:Emily 介 绍:I'm not a special girl in my class. I'm not the cleverest child in my school. I'm not the prettiest in my class. I'm not sure I'm the honestest in my school.
  • 中文名:何毓良 英文名:Alex 介 绍: My name is Alex. This year I am 11 years old. I’m in Xiasha Primary School. I live in Flat 308, Block 1, 25 Street the East Village , My hobbies are: roller-skating and playing ...
  • 中文名:刘纾华 英文名:Candy 介 绍:Hello, everyone. I'm Candy. I'm 13 year's old now. I'm from Tairan School. I'm in C1G7. I'm glad to make friends with you. My...
  • 中文名:蔡钥盈 英文名:Kelly 介 绍: 资料上传中...
  • 中文名:罗升乔 英文名:George 介 绍: 资料上传中...
  • 中文名:黄潇伊 英文名:Sally 介 绍:Hello, everyone.My name is Sally, my Chinese name is Huang Xiaoyi. I'm 11 years old from Hunan Province. Now I'm in Xiasha Primary School Grade Six. I like reading...
  • 中文名:黄耀恒 英文名:Frankie 介 绍: 资料上传中...
  • 中文名: 吴家纬 英文名:Vicky 介 绍: Hello everyone. I'm a little girl. I'm ten years old now. I like English very much. I'm tall and thin. I like drawing and swimming. Do you ...
福田下沙锦绣教育(英语秀),其创始人向秀丽 -- 原优才国际泰然小学英语专业教师,连续任教五年,担任国际班英语教师、班主任及英语教研组长。现任锦绣教育教学主管。五年在校教学经验,培养多名优秀学生:陈欣怡(泰然小学)考入深圳外国语学校,蓝舒(泰然小学)、黄耀恒(下沙小学)共三位同学考入深圳外国语学校!地址:福田下沙四坊7号201锦绣教育 联系电话:0755-22665803 13662286461 向老师